February 26, 2014

Yarn Along

I am slowly but surely getting my craft juices flowing again. I am doing well with smaller projects, so I think I'll stick with them, for now. 

This little piggy is going to my cousin's new baby girl in Pittsburgh. Isn't she cute?! Once I add the tie to the top, it will be transformed into a bib and all ready to go!

I used the free piggy bib pattern from the Lion Brand Yarn website. I switched up the pattern a little and went with circular ears instead of pointy ones. I also decided to give her sleepy eyes and embroidered eyelashes, which instantly turned her into a girl pig.

It was a really simple pattern, which turned out super cute! I might have to make another one to use up the rest of my pink yarn.

I am currently reading Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. I have had this book checked out from the library almost all winter. I don't know why, but I have been dragging my feet with reading it, until yesterday when I was notified that Cress, Book 3 of the series is ready for me to pick up. I've got to get Scarlet read before I can start Cress, and with 68 people on the waiting list at the library I can't take too long.

Linking to Yarn Along.



  1. Oh my word. Too cute. That could make a really cute purse or eye shade for sleeping too!

  2. Oh that bib is sooooo adorable. Your cousin is very lucky as is her daughter.


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